==BBC Inside Story - Traitors to Hitler (1979)== ---- \\ [[http://forums.mvgroup.org/index.php?showtopic=104737|BBC Inside Story - Traitors to Hitler (1979)]] {{:fhd.jpg?45|}} {{https://forums.mvgroup.org/release.images/JungleBoy/Traitors.to.Hitler.0.jpg?200&nolink|}} After the failure of the plot to blow Adolf Hitler to pieces as he studied his campaigns in the Wolf's Lair on 20th July 1944, the conspirators were rounded up, put on trial and hanged. To savour his revenge at leisure, Hitler ordered the trials and death throes of his enemies to be filmed. Four hours of Hitler's film have been tracked down, and from it emerges a unique and bizarre parody of justice, as the traitors to the Third Reich are hounded to their death. Hitler's avenging prosecutor is Roland Freisler, a perverted star in a sadistic screen role that he knew would please the Führer as he watched these pictures in his cinema in the Wolf's Lair. ==See Also== [[http://forums.mvgroup.org/derefer.php?https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m002102r|BBC]] ===Wikipedia Reference=== {{wp>Operation Valkyrie}} \\ ==Trailer== ,,Full Version Available Upon Request,, {{ youtube> }} \\ ==Full Version== \\ ,,The availability of this link might be uncertain!,,\\ ,,Full version is available upon request.,,\\ ,,Related Documentary,,\\ \\ Double Click to See in Full Screen. {{ youtube>sHIcV52DQss }} \\ \\ \\ {{tag>FHD War WWII Germany Adolf_Hidtler Operation_Valkyrie Justice Trial FF WP BBC 1979 ar07/24 Name}} \\