==Channel 4 - In the Shadow of 9/11 (2021)== ---- \\ [[http://forums.mvgroup.org/index.php?showtopic=90093|Channel 4 - In the Shadow of 9/11 (2021)]] {{:fhd.jpg?45|}} {{https://forums.mvgroup.org/release.images/JungleBoy/Shadow.of.9-11.0.jpg?200&nolink|}} The bizarre story of how seven black men in Miami were indicted for the biggest supposed Al Qaeda plot since 9/11. Victims of an FBI sting that led to a terror prosecution, the accused had no weapons or any connection to Al Qaeda. ==See Also== [[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14157218/|IMDB Site]] ==Trailer== ,,Full Version Available Upon Request,, {{ youtube>EAeplY5WIi8 }} \\ {{tag>FHD Terrorism 9/11 Al_Qaeda FBI CH4 New_York USA 2021 ar09/21 Name}} \\