==Channel 5 - Inside Russia's Toughest Prisons (2011)== [[http://forums.mvgroup.org/index.php?showtopic=84259|Channel 5 - Inside Russia's Toughest Prisons (2011)]] {{fhd.jpg?45|}} {{https://forums.mvgroup.org/release.images/JungleBoy/Toughest.Prisons.0.jpg?300&nolink|}} Three prisons across Russia unlock their doors to an international film crew. Go inside a top security facility where cannibals, terrorists and killers live out the rest of their days, to Russia's oldest prison, to a Siberian prison camp where temperatures linger at 50 below. Inside Black Dolphin prison, a cannibal reveals his crime, divulging how he boiled, fried and ate his victim. In infamous Vladimir Central, a convict opens up about killing his brother-in-law for disturbing his daughter's peaceful night's sleep. Inside Siberian Prison Camp 17, two friends are about to go their separate ways. ==See Also== {{https://www.channel5.com/show/inside-russias-toughest-prisons/|CH5 Site}} ==Trailer== ,,Full Version Available Upon Request,, {{ youtube> }} \\ ==Full Version== \\ ,,The availability of this link might be uncertain!,,\\ ,,Full version is available upon request.,, \\ {{ youtube>OIjFhNYc5Hc }} \\ \\ \\ {{tag>FHD Crime Justice Prison Russia Terrorism Cannibalism Murder CH5 2011 ar08/20 Name}} \\