==Classic Pictures - The Second World War Snipers (2001)== ---- \\ [[http://forums.mvgroup.org/index.php?showtopic=92250|Classic Pictures - The Second World War Snipers (2001)]] {{https://forums.mvgroup.org/release.images/DocFreak08/514Q9WE3QTL.jpg?300&nolink|}} World War Two was an earth-shaking drama in five acts, played out on a stage as immense as the planet itself, and one that touched upon millions of lives. Actor Robert Hardy, famous for his role as Churchill presents this condensed 42 hours chronology of WWII. A fascinating set of films which outlines all the political events leading up to the outbreak of war, and details all the major campaigns and battles fought on every front during the six year conflict. In this part 7 of "The Second World War" a fascinating documentary on the use of Snipers during World War 2, including revealing battlefield experiences, British, German and American training methods and a comparison on the firearms used by these lethal and most feared, weapons of war. Sniping proved an important factor in the static trench warfare of World War One. But after the war armies let the skill languish has mechanized combat units came into their own. World War Two thrust snipers back into prominence as the Russian, German, British, American and Japansese armies trained new sniper forces in diverse ways to address their own specific battlefield requirements. Snipers effectively sewed fear and confusion among enemy forces but also suspicion in friendly forces since they worked alone outside the normal operation of infantry units. Written and Directed by Robert Garofalo ; Classic Pictures Entertainment Ltd / Shepperton Studios UK Production ==See Also== ==Trailer== ,,Full Version Available Upon Request,, {{ youtube> }} \\ ==Full Version== \\ ,,The availability of this link might be uncertain!,,\\ ,,Full version is available upon request.,, \\ {{ youtube>WX4oA5m84vc }} \\ \\ \\ {{tag>History Military War WWII Drama Snipper Germany Winston_Churchill Classics_Pictures 2001 ar02/22 Name}} \\