==Smithsonian - 9/11 Stories in Fragments (2011)== ---- \\ [[http://forums.mvgroup.org/index.php?showtopic=90516|Smithsonian - 9/11 Stories in Fragments (2011)]] {{:fhd.jpg?45|}} {{https://forums.mvgroup.org/release.images/JungleBoy/Stories.in.Fragments.0.jpg?300&nolink|}} How do you grasp an event as enormous as September 11? At the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History, you start small A briefcase, a Blackberry, a victim's sweatshirt, and a hero's nametag. Simple objects that tell personal stories, recounted in the donors' own words. Stories from New York, the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA remind us that the legacy of 9/11 is not fear - it's friendship, courage, and ordinary people pushed by extraordinary circumstances. Their stories deserve to be remembered across decades and generations. By telling them, we triumph over tragedy. ==See Also== [[https://www.smithsonianchannel.com/details/show/911-stories-in-fragments|Smithsonian Channel]] ==Trailer== ,,Full Version Available Upon Request,, {{ youtube>i24-bbLinLk }} \\ {{tag>FHD History Terrorism 9/11 USA New_York Museum Smithsonian_Channel 2020 ar10/21 Name}} \\