Ana Vidovic
Snippet from Wikipedia: Ana Vidović

Ana Vidović (born 8 November 1980) is a Croatian classical guitarist. A guitarist child prodigy, she has won a number of prizes and international competitions all over the world.

Early life

Vidović was born on November 8, 1980, in Karlovac, Croatia. Her father, Ljubomir, played bass guitar and performed with his band nationwide in his youth. She has two older brothers, Viktor, a classical guitarist, and Silvije, a concert pianist. Inspired by her brother Viktor, she started playing guitar at age 5. She went to a music school in her hometown, and began performing at 8. By the age of 11, Vidović was performing internationally and showed such an extraordinary talent that at 13, she became the youngest student to attend Academy of Music in Zagreb (at the time of the Croatian War of Independence). She studied with Professor István Römer, graduating in 1998.

Her reputation in Europe led to an invitation by world renowned classical guitarist and professor Manuel Barrueco to study at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, Maryland, from which she graduated in 2003.

Recuerdos de la Alhambra

Ana Vidovic plays Recuerdos de la Alhambra by Francisco Tárrega on a Jim Redgate classical guitar


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