ABC - Beyond the Towers Season 1 (2021) Part 2 Fiasco

ABC - Beyond the Towers Season 1 (2021) Part 2 Fiasco

Beyond The Towers Season 1

This four-part series assesses the manner in which the US-led wars were fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, how air power and high tech weaponry were increasingly ineffective as the wars endured in wiping out fanatical jihadists deploying roadside and suicide bombs. The world's strongest military power and its allies won many battles but couldn't hold territories or win the 'hearts and minds' of the people in whose name they claimed to be fighting.

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The 9/11 attacks were regarded by the United States as justification for trying to re-make the Middle East, but the Saddam Hussein dictatorship was replaced with chaos and the slaughter of civilians; the war was a fiasco.

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