BBC - A History of Scotland (2008) Part 7 Lets Pretend

BBC - A History of Scotland (2008) Part 7 Lets Pretend

Archaeologist, broadcaster and writer Neil Oliver charts the birth and growth of the Scottish nation in a comprehensive series co-produced by the BBC. Over 10 episodes, Oliver presents the best of Scotland's varied landscapes, iconic landmarks, monuments and historic architecture – all shot in high definition – picking up on the richness of the country's heritage as well as its major characters and influences. The series begins with how the Gaelic Scottish Kingdom was born in the ninth century and moves on to episodes detailing the infamous Highland/Lowland divide, the Covenanters, the formation of Great Britain, the 19th-century industrial revolution and the economic decline in the 20th century.

Part 7 Lets Pretend

Bitterly divided by politics and religion for centuries, this is the infamous story of how Scotland and England came together in 1707 to form Great Britain. Over time the Union matured into one of the longest in European history, but it very nearly ended in divorce. Exploiting the Union's unpopularity, the exiled Stuarts staged several comebacks, selling themselves as a credible and liberal alternative to the Hanoverian regime. Neil Oliver reveals just how close they came to succeeding.

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