BBC - Cunnart (2013)

BBC - Cunnart (2013)

'Cunnart' offers a glimpse into the world of Donald MacDonald, who spent the last twenty years disposing of landmines and bombs in some of the world's most troubled regions. In South Sudan, Donald is tasked with organising teams and recruiting locals, to clear land littered with unexploded bombs and landmines after a civil war which lasted over two decades.

He recalls his time in Laos, the most bombed country in the world, where the locals were desperate for their contaminated land to be freed from bombs and landmines, a legacy of the Vietnam War.

Speaking to his family, we gain an insight into their pride in his job, where he saves lives, but also on the impact that it has had on their lives as he continues to work in places that most of us would never dream of going to, doing a job which would terrify the majority of people.

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