BBC - Dynasties Series 1 (2018) Part 2 Emperor

BBC - Dynasties Series 1 (2018) Part 2 Emperor

Dynasties Series 1

Dynasties take you deeper into the lives of five of the world’s most celebrated and endangered animals than ever before Emperor Penguin, Chimpanzee, Lion, Painted Wolf and Tiger. Travel from the plains of Africa to the jungles of India, from the edge of the Sahara to the frozen wastes of Antarctica.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_harry65_dynasties_202.jpg Part 2 Emperor

A colony of emperor penguins gather in Atka Bay, on the coast of Antarctica, after three months of feeding at sea. They arrive as the water freezes over and all the other Antarctic animals have left the continent for the relative safety of the sea. The penguins have come here to raise the next generation in their emperor's dynasty. But to do so they will have to work together to keep themselves and their chicks alive through the coming winter - the coldest and cruellest on earth.

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