BBC - Living Britain (2000) Part 4 High Summer

BBC - Living Britain (2000) Part 1 Deepest Winter

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Living Britain: the Wildlife Year

BBC series examining how the changing seasons impact on the wildlife flora and landscapes of Britain. Looking at different locations across the country over the course of a year these documentaries show how nature is affected by and adapts to the altering climate. Month by month, Living Britain chronicles the wildlife year, tracking the way the lives of native plants and animals change with the cycle of the seasons and react to the contemporary British way of life - both urban and rural. From the wild highlands of Scotland in the grip of deepest winter to the modern heart of London in high summer, this series presents a wildlife diary of a typical year up and down the country. Interspersed with this unfolding portrait of living Britain are informative special features. Focusing on subjects of topical interest such as the return of the otter, the precarious future of the badger, and the demise of many songbirds, these features show how native plants, birds and animals respond to Britain's ever-changing landscape.

Part 4: High Summer

We move on to Midsummer is a busy time for insects, grouse & merlins rear their young. Chalk downland and urban wastelands bloom – and as the sea warms, basking sharks and whales visit Britain's coastline.

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