BBC - Reaching for the Skies (1987) Part 3 The Aeroplane Goes to War

BBC - Reaching for the Skies (1987) Part 3 The Aeroplane Goes to War

Reaching for the Skies

Reaching for the skies“ is unequivocally the best aviation documentary ever made in the history of film, and the history of flight. The series consists of 12 parts. The history is well researched; the narration is to the point, informative, and fascinating like flying itself. The story starts with Wright brothers' achieving what was impossible throughout known human history. The documentary covers all aspects of flying from the fastest, to the dangerous, to the most comfortable of aircraft. It is narrated by British actor Anthony Quayle and by Robert Vaughn for its American and International releases.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_harry65_a.skies_203.jpg Part 3 The Aeroplane Goes to War

Over France in World War I, where man and flying machines were first forged into a formidable fighting unit. At the start of the war, the adversaries could muster only a few hundred frail aircraft between them. Yet, in less than 4 years, Britain had commissioned an independent Air Force, had built over 50,000 aircraft and trained 26,000 pilots for observation, strafing, bombing and whatever was necessary to protect its air space. Then, when Anthony Fokker mounted a machine gun on an aeroplane, he changed the face of war forever.

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