BBC - Days that Shook the World Series 3 (2005) Part 8 The Road to Revolution

BBC - Days that Shook the World Series 3 (2005) Part 8 The Road to Revolution

Through dramatic reconstructions, eye-witness accounts and archive footage, each episode in the “Days That Shook the World” TV series pieces together the thrilling stories of the landmarks of our time; the moments in history - human tragedies, scientific breakthroughs and calamitous events that have profoundly affected the way the world thinks and acts. “Days that Shook the World” examines some of the most important days in history, creating a detailed and forensic analysis of 24 hours that changed the world. It covers some of the biggest themes in World history - from the history of flight, to the rise and fall of Communism. This fresh and unusual BBC production explores mankind's defining moments. A gripping anatomy of some of the most important days in history, hour by hour as they unfolded. Incisive, fascinating & dramatic, the complete series builds a compelling picture of the seismic moments in world history. From ancient Egypt to the Berlin Wall, these episodes look at events that had a lasting impact on human history, from technological breakthroughs to political tragedies. Finding new angles and putting events into historical context, the series spans centuries and continents with one common thread On each of these days, the lives of millions were changed forever. Incredible breakthroughs, acts of shocking brutality, and stories of hope form the themes of these compelling programs. From the tragedies of history to the triumphs of scientific development; these are the landmarks of our time that, when juxtaposed, provide a distillation of history's defining experiences. Season three examines the gunfight at the OK Corral and the St Valentine's Day Massacre; the fine line between fact and fiction that was blurred by the publication of The Hitler Diaries and Orson Welles radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds; and popular uprisings with the flight of the last Iranian Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, and the execution of former Romanian president Nicolai Ceausescu.

Part 8 The Road to Revolution The Execution of Ceaucescu/The Iranian Revolution

The Road To Revolution 25 December 1989 and 16 January 1979 At the end of the twentieth century, two popular revolutions gave birth to new regimes which would mark the following century. An account of the revolution in Romania that led to the country's independence from communist rule following the execution of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989. Plus, the 1979 events in Tehran, which paved the way for Ayatollah Khomeini to end his exile in Paris and return to Iran. Dramatizion of events surrounding the 1979 Iranian revolution in which the Shah of Iran was deposed and the 1989 Romanian Revolution in which Nicolae Ceausescu, the president of Romania and his wife Elena were deposed, tried, and executed. Images of the bodies, riddled with bullets, are broadcast around the world. Romania is the last state in Eastern Europe to emancipate itself from communist rule. The Shah's flight from Iran On January 16, 1979, a Boeing took off from Tehran International Airport. Reza Pahlavi, last Shah of Iran, leaves the land of his ancestors forever. In the streets of the capital, the people burn his portraits. At the same time, in a modest suburb of Paris, the future successor of the Shah, Ayatollah Khomeini, awaits the phone call that will end his exile. On his return, he will be greeted by a cheering crowd. This day, symbol of the “Islamic Revolution”, is a milestone in the history of the Iranian people.

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