BC - Map Man Series 2 (2005) Part 1 Bartholomew's Cycling Map of England and Wales, 1896-1903

BC - Map Man Series 2 (2005) Part 1 Bartholomew's Cycling Map of England and Wales, 1896-1903

Nicholas Crane travels across eight maps that changed the face of Britain in a series of geographical challenges through some of today's wildest landscapes.

Part 1 Bartholomew's Cycling Map of England and Wales, 1896-1903

When cycling took off in Britain in a big way in the 1880s, everybody wanted to get on a bicycle and head for the country. And for all these keen bicyclers, Bartholomew made the very first cycling maps. With the best cycling routes and information for the Victorian cyclist, these maps were highly popular and distinctive. It was a whole new way of looking at the country - for leisure and healthy pursuits, freedom, and exploration.

Using his own unorthodox methods, extreme mountain biking over a mountain or two and going breakneck speed down a crevasse, Nick sets out to find the Barts routes through what was the playground of the Victorian age, the Lake District.

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