Blue Ant Media - Cities in Blue (2013) Part 7 New Orleans

Blue Ant Media - Cities in Blue (2013) Part 7 New Orleans

Cities in Blue takes you on an essential American music tour, with a focus on one of the country’s most iconic styles The Blues. You’ll make a stop at every key city in Blues’ history—from New Orleans, Mississippi, Memphis, and Austin, to Piedmont, Kansas, Chicago, and New York. Distinguish between the raw, honest “call and response” blues born in the Deep South the polished sound performed to audiences in the city—it’s a journey through a much celebrated and storied genre.

Part 7 New Orleans

Christened the city where jazz was born, the blues sound of New Orleans sits comfortably away from the limelight, slowly collecting the influences of its region Caribbean beats, jazz riffs, and an undeniably upbeat attitude.

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