Ch5. - Eight Days that Made Rome Part 8 The Rebirth of Rome

Ch5. - Eight Days that Made Rome Part 8 The Rebirth of Rome

Eight Days That Made Rome Part 8 The Rebirth of Rome

Bettany Hughes recalls eight pivotal days that defined the Roman Empire and its establishment as the world's first superpower. She begins by exploring the day in 202BC when Rome defeated the might of Carthage under Hannibal at the Battle of Zama in modern-day Tunisia

“Eight Days That Made Rome is a docu-drama that leaves behind the conventional chronologies of Rome's thousand-year history and brings razor-sharp focus to eight days that created, tested and defined its greatness.

Each programme works as a stand-alone, as strong in its own right as part of a series and reveals a Rome relevant to us today, with its noblest and darkest instincts still resonating in the world around us.”

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