Channel 5 - The Nude in Art (2000) Part 3 Enlightnment

Channel 5 - The Nude in Art (2000) Part 3 Enlightnment.

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The Nude in Art

If there is one genre of art that seems to have played a greater role than any other, it is the nude. For at least 30,000 years, humans have represented the naked form in a variety of ways. From the ideal to the real, the Romantic to the Surrealist, there has been almost no end of works devoted to the unclothed human body. This four part series will examine those artworks, the societies that produced them and the artists that made them. The DVD presentation enhances the stunning visual quality of these classic masterpieces.

Part 3: The Enlightenment

The naked form took on many different uses. For some, it represented virtue, for others, vice. It was used to shock, to coerce, to titillate, to impress, and to instruct.

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