Clarke Costelle - Apocalypse Hitler Takes on the East (2021) Part 1 Conquering The Living Space

Clarke Costelle - Apocalypse Hitler Takes on the East (2021) Part 1 Conquering The Living Space

Two-part documentary about the efforts of Hitler and Nazi Germany to expand their fascist empire to the east - with all the means at their disposal. June 1941, Hitler invades the USSR he wants to conquer this “Living space” of which he dreams for his Reich. He faces the realities of the enemy an immense territory, a freezing cold, and a determined people with seemingly infinite human resources. To where will Hitler lead Germany? On June 22, 1941, what actually shouldn't have happened according to the treaty happened The German Reich attacked the Soviet Union. The Second World War, started by the Nazis two years earlier, entered a new phase. In August 1939, Adolf Hitler and the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin signed a non-aggression pact. This was followed by the German invasion of Poland and the wars against France, Great Britain and other European countries. Hitler's Wehrmacht rushed from victory to victory by “Blitzkrieg”. And it was precisely according to this doctrine that the huge Soviet Union was to be overrun. The carefully planned operation under the code name “Operation Barbarossa” came as a complete surprise to Stalin's Red Army and initially provided the German troops with enormous gains in terrain within a short period of time. In regions like the Baltic States or Ukraine, they were even celebrated as liberators. But the invaders soon showed their true colors Hitler had planned his eastern campaign as a war of annihilation from the outset and swore the Wehrmacht to absolute ruthlessness. The terror against the civilian population was accordingly murderous. After the first months of the campaign had gone according to plan from the German point of view, the advance came to a standstill with the onset of the Russian winter. The blitzkrieg was over and the tide was slowly turning. A year later came the Battle of Stalingrad and with it the beginning of Hitler's end. The series “Apocalypse Hitler Takes On The East ” tells the story of this unprecedented war, during which an estimated 27 million people lost their lives on the Soviet side. Operation Barbarossa was the largest German operation of World War II, but also turned out to be Adolf Hitler's biggest failure. Find out how this attack on the Soviet Union did not go out as planned on Apocalypse Hitler Takes on the East.

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In Spring, 1941, Hitler rallies his greatest army yet, preparing to triumph over the USSR on the Eastern front. With over 2 million German soldiers and 700,000 men from other Axis allied countries, the Nazi leader was sure that he would be victorious. June 1941, Hitler attacks the USSR he wants to conquer the “Living Space in the East” he dreams of for his Reich, and bring the largest country in the world to its knees. He is convinced that he will conquer the huge country within a few weeks. But after initial success, everything turns out differently. In the wake of their first victories, the Nazis organized the methodical massacre of the Jews of the East. In four months, they are at the gates of Moscow…

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