A&E - The Engineering that Built the World Series 1 (2020) Part 1 Race for the Railroad

A&E - The Engineering that Built the World Series 1 (2020) Part 1 Race for the Railroad

The Engineering That Built the World Series 1

The Golden Gate Bridge. The Panama Canal. The Transcontinental Railroad. Iconic structures that have shaped and defined our nation and our world. The Engineering That Built the World tells the stories of the brilliant visionaries behind the most epic builds of the past two centuries. Against insurmountable challenges, these are the unknown tales of rivalries, egos, backdoor politics and the brilliant innovations behind iconic feats of engineering that made the future possible.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_harry65_ghauil_201.jpg Part 1 Race for the Railroad

Two rival rail companies, led by Charles Crocker of the Central Pacific and Thomas Durant of the Union Pacific, will stop at nothing to best each other while competing to create the most ambitious engineering project the world has ever seen–an unprecedented railroad that crosses through the wild American continent and unites a divided nation.

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