Gedeon - China the Beginning (China's Origins) (2013) Part 1 The Lost Dynasty

Gedeon - China the Beginning (China's Origins) (2013) Part 1 The Lost Dynasty

China The Beginning (China's Origins)

China is the only civilization that continues to hold sway throughout its entire territory as defined by its ancient borders. This three-part series retraces almost 2,000 years of Chinese ancient history – a period that holds vital clues to understanding how this powerful nation was built. Many people forget that during the heyday of the Christian era, China was already a highly developed country. In this fascinating program we will focus on the heart of one of the most mysterious countries in the world. Witness the evolution of civilization and visit the places where the dignitaries are buried, also visit the mausoleum of China's first emperor Qin Shi Huang Di.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_harry65_china_2037.jpgPart 1: The Lost Dynasty

Not much is known about this first Chinese dynasty – in fact, until fairly recently, most historians thought that the Xia dynasty was a myth. But the archeological record has proven them wrong, for the most part. The Xia dynasty is thought to have been founded by Yu the Great, who was born in 2059 BC and considered a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. His capital was at Yang City. Yu is a semi-mythical figure who spent 13 years stopping the great flood and brought irrigation to the Yellow River Valley. Yu was the ideal hero and ruler ascribed a mythical dragon birth. He became god of the soil.

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