History Channel - Line of Fire Volume One (2002) Part 12 The Gulf War 1991

History Channel - Line of Fire Volume One (2002) Part 12 The Gulf War 1991

Line Of Fire is history with a difference. The great battlefields of war are presented in a unique animated environment providing new insights into military history's most compelling events. Each powerful episode combines informative graphics with atmospheric recreations and archive footage to analyse every facet of famous battles from the medieval period to modern times. Series also features authoritative comment by leading military historians from the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_docfreak08_12._sl500_.jpgPart 12: The Gulf War 1991

On August 3rd 1990, Iraq, under its ferocious dictator Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait, its oil-rich neighbour. Not long out of a war with Iran, Iraq badly under-estimated the reaction of the watching world to its unprovoked attack; in particular, they believed that the US would not dare to become involved. A coalition against Iraq was formed and it struck back in January 1991. Iraq's air defence system and the country's infra-structure were taken apart by air attacks that utilised the very latest warfare technology - and it was technology as much as anything else that brought Iraq's armed forces to its knees. Saddam had promised the 'mother of all battles' - words that came to haunt him and his army as they were caught in the open on the bloody road to Basra.

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