History Channel - Line of Fire Volume One (2002) Part 7 The Kaiser's Battle

History Channel - Line of Fire Volume One (2002) Part 7 The Kaiser's Battle

Line Of Fire is history with a difference. The great battlefields of war are presented in a unique animated environment providing new insights into military history's most compelling events. Each powerful episode combines informative graphics with atmospheric recreations and archive footage to analyse every facet of famous battles from the medieval period to modern times. Series also features authoritative comment by leading military historians from the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_docfreak08_27.jpgPart 7: The Kaiser's Battle

The great German spring offensive of 1918 was the Kaiser's last attempt to make a decisive breakthrough during World War I. For a time, it seemed it would succeed, but the attack petered out through exhaustion and supply difficulties. Germany would never regain the initiative.

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