History Channel - How the Earth Was Made Series 1 - BluRay (2009) Part 11 Iceland

History Channel - How the Earth Was Made Series 1 - BluRay (2009) Part 11 Iceland

From a seething ocean of radioactive, molten rock to a refuge for life as we know it, Earth has undergone a staggering series of cataclysmic transformations in its long and epic history. Assailed relentlessly for millions of years by meteorites, our once toxic and hostile planet has been covered in water and in ice, and seen the rise and sundering of continents, the creation of an atmosphere, and, ultimately, the beginning of life. HOW THE EARTH WAS MADE plots the twisting course of Earth's amazing journey. Using groundbreaking special effects and traveling to remote locations where our planet still bears the scars of its violent history, this compelling documentary tells a story of unimaginable timescales, world-shattering forces, radical climates, and mass extinctions. HISTORY journeys back in time to show the creation of Earth s land masses, the birth of the first complex creatures, and devastating extinctions–before speculating on the future when all life becomes extinct. Spectacular on-location footage, evidence from geologists in the field, and clear, dramatic graphics combine in this stunning 13-part series from HISTORY to show how immensely powerful, and at times violent, forces of geology have formed our planet. Investigate with HISTORY the origins of some of the most well-known locations and geological phenomena in the world. From the Great Lakes to Iceland, the San Andreas Fault to Krakatoa, HOW THE EARTH WAS MADE travels the globe to reveal the physical processes that have shaped our planet. With rocks as their clues and volcanoes, ice sheets, and colliding continents as their suspects, scientists launch a forensic investigation that will help viewers visualize how the earth has evolved and formed over millions of years. Locations covered in “How the Earth Was Made” include Hawaii, a remote island chain brought to being by the movement of super heated magma deep within the earth, to the Marianas Trench, a spot in the sea deeper than Mount Everest is high, where the ocean floor disappears into the centre of the earth. Experience all 13 episodes of this landmark series for the first time on Blu-ray.

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The largest and most fearsome volcanic island on the planet, Iceland is being ripped apart by powerful forces lighting its fiery volcanoes. Located in the northern Atlantic Ocean, Iceland is the world's largest volcanic island, and has a land surface the same as the state of Kentucky. The island is also unique in that it is a place where the undersea Mid-Atlantic Ridge comes onto land. In 1946 US Navy sonar operators discovered a 10,000 mile long network of underwater mountains separated by a “giant tear.” This was the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and Iceland is one of the few locations where the ridge comes on to land. At the ridge, magma rises to form new ocean floor crust, and adjacent sections of the ocean floor are slowly pushed apart. Here was a force capable of pulling continents apart! Despite lying atop the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the amount of volcanic activity in Iceland is greater than would be expected. Iceland's volcanoes have caused great suffering in the past, and the retreat of the island's glacial ice may allow its volcanoes to erupt violently. Could these volcanoes cause climatic chaos and devastation across the planet?

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