ITV - Wonders of the Coast Path Series 1 (2020) Part 6 South Wales/Merthyr Mawr

ITV - Wonders of the Coast Path Series 1 (2020) Part 6 South Wales/Merthyr Mawr

Wales is the only country in the world with a designated path that stretches around its entire coastline. Opened in 2012, the Wales Coast Path stretches for 870 miles from just outside Chester in the north to Chepstow in the south. Sean Fletcher goes on an epic journey to travel the length of the Wales Coast Path, meeting the people who live and work along its route and immersing himself in a range of coastal adventures.

Part 6 South Wales/Merthyr Mawr

Sean Fletcher is on the final leg of his epic journey around the Wales Coast Path. South Wales may be the most densely populated section of the coast, but as Sean discovers, it has some of the most spectacular landscapes. He explores the mighty sand dunes at Merthyr Mawr on horseback, discovers how our sea cliffs breath in and out with the pounding of waves and re-creates Marconi's first radio transmission over open water, from Lavernock Point to Flatholm island.

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