Mill Creek - Secrets of War Weapons of War (2014) Part 3 Tools of Deception

Mill Creek - Secrets of War Weapons of War (2014) Part 3 Tools of Deception

Secrets of War: Weapons of War

Secrets of War: Weapons of War was released May 13, 2014 by the Mill Creek Entertainment studio. This collection of documentaries takes a look at various weapons and inventions that were utilized by various armed forces throughout the world during the twentieth century.

Part 3: Tools of Deception

They are the means by which to confuse an enemy, forcing him into making a fatal mistake. From decoy tanks and phoney radio broadcasts, to the spy whose lies led Hitler to ruin, tools of deception can be the most deadly weapons of all. These are the methods of camouflage, fakery and propaganda used by both sides to influence the enemy and control the battlefield during WWII.

See Also
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