N.G. - Water and Power A California Heist (2016)

N.G. - Water and Power A California Heist (2016)

Water and Power A California Heist

Water & Power A California Heist reveals the story of how a handful of water barons gained control of the state's most precious resource, while drought and a groundwater crisis left local homeowners with dry wells. From a 1990s backroom rewrite of the State Water Project through a breaking investigation into illicit transfers of groundwater, the film peels back the layers on a complex world most of us know nothing about and would never question unless our taps ran dry. California supplies half of the nation's produce and is the world's fifth largest food supplier. With our breadbasket at stake, Americans and the world are waking up to a stark reality Water is the next commodity, and it is rapidly growing more valuable. As a California resident warns us, “You're going to be next. Just watch, you're going to be next.”

See Also
Awards & Nominations

  • Sundance Selection 2017
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