National Geographic - Tales from the Tomb Part Two (2005) Part 1 Egypt's Warrior King

National Geographic - Tales from the Tomb Part Two (2005) Part 1 Egypt's Warrior King

It is a world shrouded in mystery. The tombs of the ancient Egyptians were thought to be portals that would carry their inhabitants to a glorious afterlife. In modern times these burial chambers reveal fascinating stories of the rulers of ancient Egypt. No civilisation invested more faith, energy or money in ushering its citizens - particularly its royalty - comfortably into the afterlife than the ancient Egyptians. From Luxor and Saqqara to the Valley of the Kings, the distinguished embarked on their eternal voyage in magnificent grandeur. From the archaeological jigsaw puzzle the ancients left behind in their tombs, a portrait of a powerful, complicated culture has slowly been emerging.

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He was ancient Egypt's greatest warrior-king. A courageous commander, master tactician, and undefeated in battle. He was Tuthmosis III - known to present-day Egyptologists as 'Napoleon of Egypt.' But, how was this pharaoh able to conquer so many of his enemies and bring Egyptian imperialism to its zenith? National Geographic explores the factors that drove Tuthmosis III to excel as warrior. Follow his military campaigns on the sand-swept battlefields, and, with the help of modern-day archaeologists, watch as we put his ancient weaponry to the test.

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