National Geographic - The Story of God With Morgan Freeman Series 2 (2017) Part 1 The Chosen One

National Geographic - The Story of God With Morgan Freeman Series 2 (2017) Part 1 The Chosen One

The Story of God With Morgan Freeman Series 2

Today, for better or worse, the power of religion touches all of our lives, no matter what our faith. This is Morgan Freeman's journey to discover how our beliefs connect us all. This is the quest of our generation. This is the Story of God.

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Almost every faith has a figure its followers think was chosen by God. Muslims have Muhammad. Christians have Jesus. Jews have Abraham and Moses. Why do we rally around these chosen ones and how do they guide our faith? Morgan Freeman goes in search of the chosen people walking the earth today, including an American boy from the suburbs who is believed to be the reincarnation of a Buddhist Iama who has been returning in different bodies for almost five hundred years.

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