NHK - Cosmic Front (2014) Part 5 Extraterrestrial Life

NHK - Cosmic Front (2014) Part 5 Extraterrestrial Life

Cosmic Front

In the 21st century, scientists have developed amazing new ways to observe the skies, and have made discoveries that have changed our understanding of the universe. The Cosmic Front visits scientists who are pioneering the latest techniques in space research, and brings us the latest pictures of the universe, with dramatic video images and dynamic CG simulations.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_harry65_cosmic_205.jpg Part 5 Extraterrestrial Life

Extraterrestrial life = Science Fiction. Not so fast! – the Cassini probe has provided photos of Enceladus, where scientists have found geysers of water vapor. And then there is Gliese 581g, a planet with Earth-like conditions….what would life forms look like in these watery environments?

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