PBS -Rick Steves Europe Collection 1 (2020) Part 1 Why We Travel

PBS -Rick Steves Europe Collection 1 (2020) Part 1 Why We Travel

Rick Steves Europe Collection 1

Rick Steves has been the “travel guinea pig” for American Public Television since Travels in Europe with Rick Steves In his program, Rick shows some out-of-the-way places the average traveler misses offers countless travel tips, and always enjoys being immersed in the adventure.

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In times of crisis and challenge, we ask ourselves What is the true value of travel? Is it just hedonism…or something more powerful? After a lifetime of exploring Europe Rick Steves shares his reasons why. This special episode is a sonnet to travel — an introspective love story, set in Europe that vividly celebrates the rewards of exploring our world and the joy that awaits those who travel.

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