SBS - Knights (2015) Part 2 For Fame and Honour -

SBS - Knights (2015) Part 2 For Fame and Honour

This elegant and exciting 3-part series evokes the time of the knights in a unique and intimate rollercoaster ride of individual lives set in the wider context of medieval Europe. Their stories are told in gripping re-enactments, illustrated by stunning CGI and explored with engaging documentary sequences.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_harry65_a.knights_202.jpg Part 2 For Fame and Honour

Gaining honour, respect and glory is all-important to the medieval knight. And embarking on a crusade to the Holy Land in pursuit of the ‘infidels’ is one way of getting it. The story of Heinrich von Neuffen provides unprecedented insights into this largely unknown aspect of the crusades. But beyond the pious motives of the crusades, courtly love also played an important role in the life of a knight. Fighting for a lady’s favour in the joust could elevate him to superstar status. Impressive fighting prowess would be rewarded with admiration and popularity everywhere. Only the glory of fictional superheroes like King Arthur, Percival, Roland or Tristan could surpass that of a successful knight.

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