Sci Ch. - Super Factories Series 1 (2020) Part 3 NASAs Rocket Factory

Sci Ch. - Super Factories Series 1 (2020) Part 3 NASAs Rocket Factory

Super Factories Series 1

Super Factories will take viewers inside some of the most cutting-edge factories in the world, giving a unique look at machines that push boundaries to create things like the McLaren supercar and Tesla batteries Go inside of the world’s smartest, biggest and most cutting-edge factories to get a behind-the-scenes look at the many unique products they manufacture at baffling speeds with astonishing efficiency and precision.

Part 3 NASAs Rocket Factory

Victronix Swiss Army Knives, NASA Michoud Rocket Facility hi-tech rocket assembly facility pushes the limits of space exploration to new frontiers; here, engineers build an advanced rocket propulsion system that can send astronauts and cargo to the moon and back, Nestle Kit Kat Bars, Heinz Baked Beans

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