Smithsonain Ch. - Space Disasters Series 1 (2020) Part 4 The Human Factor

Smithsonain Ch. - Space Disasters Series 1 (2020) Part 4 The Human Factor (2020)

Space Disasters Series 1

The tragic launch rehearsal that nearly ended the Apollo Moon Program. The Mir Space Station collision of 1997. The re-entry failure of Space Shuttle Columbia. Each NASA and Soviet space mission is a high-stakes project with an ever-present risk of failure. This series pays tribute to the bold men and women who put their lives on the line in order to get a foothold in the heavens…sometimes with spectacularly disastrous results. We also show how the close calls and catastrophes of our past paved the way for the breakthroughs of today.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_harry65_faco_205.jpg Part 4 The Human Factor (2020)

See how little things like a stripped screw or a faulty toilet can become big emergencies when they happen in space.

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