Smithsonian Ch. - China's Dragon Emperor (2019) Part 2 Architect of the Afterlife

Smithsonian Ch. - China's Dragon Emperor (2019) Part 2 Architect of the Afterlife

China's Dragon Emperor

The story of Qin Shi Huang is as epic in life as it is in death. Crowned as a boy king over 2,000 years ago, he grew to unify China for the first time, establishing a new form of government, uniform laws, and a single writing system that is still in use today. He also ordered the construction of a royal tomb that is larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza and is guarded by a massive army of terracotta warriors. Explore the transformative life and magnificent afterlife of China's first emperor.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_harry65_dragon_2045.jpg Part 2 Architect of the Afterlife

Was he an incompetent ruler, a brutal tyrant, or a great leader? 2,000 years after his death, the legacy of China's first emperor, Qin Shi Huang, remains a point of debate. His role in ending centuries of conflict between warring factions and creating China's first imperial dynasty is indisputable, yet he has questionably been portrayed as a violent oppressor. Through ancient texts, artifacts, and expert insights, revisit the life of this complicated and influential figure.

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