Smithsonian Earth - Mysteries of Evolution Series 1 (2017) Part 1 Amazing Head Adaptations

Smithsonian Earth - Mysteries of Evolution Series 1 (2017) Part 1 Amazing Head Adaptations

Mysteries of Evolution Series 1

The evolutionary journey of life on Earth spans millions of years – and the results are as diverse as they are jaw-dropping. Travel through time as we explore the amazing adaptations that help certain species excel within their environments.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_harry65_mv5by_201.jpg Part 1 Amazing Head Adaptations

Why are vultures bald? Why do some orangutans have big cheeks? And if giraffes have long necks to help them reach the highest leaves, why do they mostly eat low-lying shrubs? Embark on a whirlwind tour around the world as we explore some of nature's most-fascinating evolutionary wonders.

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