Take Action Films - Orange Witness (2012) *

Take Action Films - Orange Witness (2012)

Sickened after visiting severely disfigured children who were born from parents and or grandparents that were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam, director Andrew Nisker wanted to so desperately help bring an ending to the senseless suffering. Without prior knowledge, he then discovered that it wasn’t only the people of Vietnam who were suffering but also those who worked with Agent Orange domestically to defoliate hydro lines clear cuts, roadside culverts, railway corridors and even those who bought it at their local hardware store to control weeds in their gardens. The potential exposure to the general population during years that Agent Orange was used domestically was enormous and frightening.

Nisker says “faced with the challenge of telling that story, with little funds and countless stories I decided to take a simple approach. Like the truth commissions held in South Africa after the downfall of apartheid, Orange Witness is a film/platform for those who were exposed to Agent Orange to tell their stories. To hopefully inspire others to start to tell their own stories and eventually pressure industry and governments to deal with impact it continues to have on our health”.

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