UKTV - Space Voyages (2013) Part 1 Into The Unknown -

UKTV - Space Voyages (2013) Part 1 Into The Unknown

This four part series explores the challenges and opportunities of modern space exploration. NASA is sizing up a new but familiar challenge: how to transport humans into deep space. After 30 years spent circling the Earth, NASA is building spacecraft to take astronauts beyond the Moon to an asteroid and eventually Mars. From rocket testers in Mississippi, to capsule builders in Florida, this is the story of the spacecraft and the technicians aiming to follow in the footsteps of their Apollo ancestors.

forums.mvgroup.org_release.images_harry65_into_201.jpgPart 1: Into The Unknown

The first episode of Space Voyages looks at the Mars Curiosity Rover - an incredible 21st century machine. And it would never have been possible without the accomplishments of early NASA astronauts and engineers. Everything was new – rocket science, astronaut survival – even simply steering in space! This is the story of how both humans and robots laid the foundations for space exploration that continues today.

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